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Got a crash on macos, either when I picked up Sakura's items or when I tried to open inventory via `i` after picking them up.

Error  stack overflow   Traceback  [love "callbacks.lua"]:228: in function 'handler' [C]: in function '(for generator)' toybox/libs/lume.lua:822: in function 'wordwrap' toybox/libs/tools.lua:126: in function 'log' nest/map.lua:6004: in function 'moveObject' nest/map.lua:5878: in function 'switchPlaces' nest/map.lua:6187: in function 'moveObject' nest/creature.lua:4193: in function 'patrol' nest/ai/statelessAI.lua:203: in function <nest ai="" statelessai.lua:199=""> nest/ai/stateMachine.lua:137: in function 'doStatelessAI' ... nest/map.lua:6654: in function 'playNextCreature' nest/map.lua:2820: in function 'r' toybox/libs/gooi/gooi.lua:923: in function '_released' toybox/libs/gooi/gooi.lua:882: in function 'released' toybox/entities/Room.lua:1267: in function '__mousereleased' toybox/entities/Game.lua:228: in function 'mousereleased' toybox/LGML.lua:390: in function <toybox lgml.lua:389=""> [love "callbacks.lua"]:154: in function <[love "callbacks.lua"]:144> [C]: in function 'xpcall'</toybox></nest>

Thank you for playing and for this. The game is still buggy and I appreciate any more bugs found. Nice.


I really like the intro sequence, it's a great 'oh shit' moment 

Thank you! The “fuller” experience is coming soon :3


Wow, there's so much stuff here. Nice roguelike.
